Cincinnati LIVE
Design Concepting
Young Professional Corporate Retention Brochure
While at Intrinzic, we were given the opportunity to help build and market a Young Professional retention program with some of the big corporations in Cincinnati. The event was to be sponsored by some of the big players in the city like P&G and Western & Southern. In 2008, Cincinnati was experiencing what many coin to be “brain drain” were the city is unable to retain the YP generation and they were leaving the city and going elsewhere. This program was being tossed around to combat the issue. Although it never came to fruition the project was a blast to work on and I am proud of the opportunity I was given build the creative for it with a great team. Copy was written by Sarah Leugers, creative direction by Keith Neltner, and together we worked with photographer Brian Steege it really would have been one hip and cool looking event.